SANYO expands Heating Solutions range with launch of high efficiency R410A heat pump split

SANYO has launched a new range of high efficiency air-to-water heat pump split systems, designed to provide low-cost, low-carbon heating and cooling for domestic and small commercial premises.

SANYO expands Heating Solutions range with launch of high efficiency R410A heat pump split

SanyoThe R410A-based range joins SANYO’s highly successful, ultra-efficient ECO CO2 series as part of the company’s new Heating Solutions range, which, when complete, will comprise a comprehensive offering of heat pump-based heating products.

The new split-based HFC system is available in capacities from 5 to 24kW, and provides hot water at up to 50deg C for use in underfloor heating and radiators, and hot and chilled water for heating and cooling via fan coils.

Equipped with quiet-running DC inverter-driven rotary compressors, the system is significantly more efficient than traditional gas boilers, operating with COPs of around 4.0 and cutting energy bills by 30 per cent or more.
The outdoor unit can be located up to 30m from the indoor unit, giving great flexibility and ideal for locating on a balcony or tucked away unobtrusively in a garden.

The compact indoor unit contains a high efficiency plate heat exchanger, back-up electric heaters, water pump and central control panel.

The control system uses a combination of ambient room sensors coupled with water temperature sensors to optimise energy performance and ensure perfect comfort conditions at all times.

Outdoor and indoor units are connected by means of two small diameter refrigerant pipes. Installation of this element of the system must be undertaken by a qualified air conditioning and refrigeration installer.
Because of the use of DC inverters, the system requires a very low starting current, with units drawing typically around 2A upon start-up.

The system can be configured to operate in several configurations to suit different applications, using one or two zones, underfloor heating, fan coils, medium temperature radiators plus domestic hot water – when using the DHW accessory.

SANYO’s air-to-water Heating Solutions range will be further extended later this year, with the launch of a high efficiency HFC-based monoblock heat pump.


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