Yuantai International Ltd.

Yuantai International Ltd.

O firmie Yuantai International Ltd.

We are manufacturer since 1947 in Lukang, Taiwan. Our business is focus on glass, mirror production and sanitary industrial. Our CEO, Chin-chang Chuang, is the chairman of Changhua Commercial Association of Glass to drive the link of glass production industrial.

Our company introduced the ISO-9001 quality management system, to produce series of glass basins and mirrors. We have been marketing the product throughout all over the world such as Japan, Britain, Korea, Singapore, the Middle East, Canada, and South Africa, and so on.

In 2003 the company invested the Yuantai International Ltd. It is registered in Texas, USA as the Eralead Ltd. The factory was located in Guangdong Province in China. The company is now managed by the third generation. Its products sold as the brand "Aquarius" and "eralead" name of.

The bathroom accessories are made by different material, brass, stainless steel, zinc, and aluminum. We also develop series of racks with high potential ability, accompanied by the washing basins. You can't miss our bathroom accessories, and cabinets also.
Yuantai has been always keeping on the marketing research, making new designs to meet your requirement constantly. It also focuses on training the employers to be professional technicians to serve the customers satisfactorily.

Through our quick exchangeable working system, it provides the best service in production, or custom products requirement with competitive price.

Contact us to get further services.

Opinie o Yuantai International Ltd.

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