The new GOLD size 12 for unbeatable flexibility

The new GOLD size 12 increases the potential to obtain exactly the required airflow, and performance can be optimised for the best possible energy efficiency.

The fan room does not need to be unnecessarily large either. This applies in particular to GOLD 12 RX Top, which takes up a very small amount of horizontal space.
With a large number of connection options for ducts, the routing of the ducts is made easier. The ducting is cheaper and takes up less space. You also benefit from reduced pressure losses into the bargain, which saves fan energy.
Installation is also made easier by the fact that GOLD 12 can be divided into three parts for transport within the site.
This means that you are not tied to a particular time during the construction phase for transport within the site.
It is fully possible to handle the three sections manually, which means that GOLD 12 is also very well suited to renovation projects.


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