SHK moscow: A new course is set – for successful business in Russia!

Next year, SHK moscow will secure its status in the long-term as the most important manufacturing trade fair and conference for building and energy technology in Russia, with strict classifications, a clear structure and exhibitor themes divided into five areas: Heating Technology, Ventilation & Air Conditioning, Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energies, Water Supply.

SHK moscow: A new course is set – for successful business in Russia!

From 18 to 21 April 2011, Messe Düsseldorf GmbH is organising SHK moscow, together with its subsidiary Messe Düsseldorf Moscow, at the central fairground Krasnaja Presnja. This has a superb infrastructure and is directly connected to the underground network. Thanks to 30 years of experience in the Russian trade fair market, Messe Düsseldorf GmbH is a reliable partner for exhibitors, who are entering the exciting and rapidly growing Russian market and would like to continue to build up their contacts there. SHK moscow is a unique event in Russia, which combines energy efficient heating and air-conditioning technology with the topic of renewable energy.

In comparison to other events, the advantages of SHK moscow are obvious: As a trade fair purely for manufacturers, it is the only decision makers’ event. In 2010, approximately 57 percent of the visitors belonged to the top and middle management. Furthermore, most recently SHK moscow counted 96 percent trade visitors and is thus clearly oriented towards experts. Here is where international manufacturers can establish and maintain valuable business contacts by means of direct dialogue, and they can develop market shares for Russia and the neighbouring regions as well.

The structure of the conference, organized by the international associations ABOK (Association of Engineers for Heating, Ventilation, Air-conditioning, Heat Supply & Building Thermal Physics) and EHI (Association of the European Heating Industry) and which has been taking place for 15 years, will be tailored even more towards the networking of exhibitors and visitors: For the first time, lectures and discussions will take place centrally inside the trade fair halls. Here, highly qualified experts give valuable insight into the latest developments in the fields of building and energy technology in Russia.

As of right now, you can download the registration documents for the SHK moscow 2011 fair at www.shk-online.com.

Źródło: Messe Düsseldorf GmbH


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