RadiCal - nowe wentylatory EC

RadiCal - większa wydajność przy cichej pracy i zmniejszonych kosztach eksploatacji - ta nowa linia wentylatorów promieniowych EC toruje drogę do radykalnej wymiany wszystkich porównywalnych produktów AC!

RadiCal - nowe wentylatory EC

19.03.2010 - RadiCal defines new standards for centrifugal fans

Now, after the successful market launch of the HyBlade® axial fans, the energy-efficient "RadiCal" fans from ebm-papst are defining new standards in the centrifugal field of ventilation and air-conditioning technology.

New RadiCal centrifugal fan series from 133 mm to 500 mm Like the HyBlade®, the fan blades of the RadiCal fans are designed with a dimensionally stable, hybrid construction. Their aerodynamically optimised shape reduces noise by 50%. The motors of these fans have been miniaturised, making them much more compact than their predecessors. With these current dimensions, an easy mechanical replacement of existing AC solutions is possible any time and without a hitch.

The design of the motor heat management system is also optimised. The stator is complete encapsulated in a high-performance plastic. Air inlets in the rotor guarantee perfected heat dissipation for the motor, which in turn increases efficiency considerably. The high level of IP protection allows these fans to be implemented in critical applications.

In terms of efficiency, the RadiCal fans already surpass the new EuP Directives for electrically powered fans, which are soon to become legal requirements. With these, up to 50% less energy consumption can be achieved in comparison to AC solutions.

The RadiCal series in EC technology offers impeller diameters from 133 mm to 500 mm and is optimally suited for applications in ventilation and air-conditioning systems, such as heat pumps and control cabinet cooling, not to mention many other applications.

Źródło: ebm-papst


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