Nowy Danfoss ERC zdobywa ASERCOM Efficiency Award 2010

Stowarzyszenie Europejskich Producentów Komponentów Chłodniczych ASERCOM jednogłośnie wybrało sterownik elektroniczny Danfoss ERC 102 jako najbardziej innowacyjny i oszczędzający energię produkt dla urządzeń chłodniczych, klimatyzacyjnych i pomp ciepła.

Nowy Danfoss ERC zdobywa ASERCOM Efficiency Award 2010

Nürnberg, Germany. October 12th, 2010 – Danfoss New Refrigeration Controller (ERC) Wins ASERCOM Efficiency Award 2010

An international panel of technical experts unanimously selected Danfoss’ electronic refrigeration controller ERC 102 as the most innovative and feasible energy saving concept in refrigeration, air conditioning & heat pumps.

The Association of European Refrigeration Component Manufacturers, ASERCOM, as part of its symposium “Sustainability across the cold chain” at Chillventa, awarded Danfoss Automatic Controls with the ASERCOM Energy Efficiency Award 2010.

ERC 102 is a revolutionary refrigeration controller for commercial refrigeration appliances designed to maximize efficiency of the refrigerator by managing all energy consuming parts of the appliance. This device is a mini computer which steers, optimizes and guards the equipment as it is influenced by shop opening hours, customer behaviour, product requirements, surrounding temperatures and other factors at choice. Tests on a standard one door glass merchandiser, in which the conventional control system was replaced by the new controller, revealed energy savings of up to 52%. By offering a controller that masters a vast number of parameters and incorporates "intelligence" at costs comparable with the existing refrigeration controls, Danfoss expects large energy savings in the target market, where millions of units are in operation worldwide.

A wide range of functions attractively designed in one compact, globally approved product makes the ERC the most versatile, cost-efficient and flexible electronic refrigerator controller on the market
Źródło: Danfoss Poland Sp. z o.o.


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