Nowe wymagania EPA dla chłodziarek i zamrażarek handlowych

EPA Announces New Energy Star Requirements for Commercial Refrigerators, Freezers

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced new Energy Star requirements for commercial refrigerators and freezers, which, on average, will be 33 percent more energy efficient than standard models. According to the EPA, if all commercial refrigerators and freezers sold in the United States meet the new Energy Star specification, the energy savings would grow to $275 million per year and prevent greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to those outputted from nearly 400,000 vehicles.
The requirements are effective Jan. 1, 2010, the same date that new federal standards take effect. This revised specification will provide commercial users with a choice to continue to go beyond the federal standards with Energy Star, to gain more energy efficient products.
Under the new scope of products covered by the Energy Star commercial refrigerators and freezers specification are glass door refrigerators and freezers — typically found in convenience stores, supermarkets, and restaurants. Glass door models, as of April 1, 2009, can qualify for the Energy Star label. Purchasers of commercial glass door refrigerators and freezers can expect to save up to $800 per refrigerator and $2,500 per freezer over the expected 10-year life of the product.
For more information on Energy Star qualified commercial kitchen products, visit www.energystar.gov/cfs.
Source: archnews.com


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