Mitsubishi Electric: 30 lat na rynku USA

Mitsubishi Electric Cooling & Heating Solutions świętuje 30-lecie bycia liderem w branży split i systemów klimatyzacyjnych ze zmiennym przepływem czynnika chłodniczego (VRF) na rynku USA.

Mitsubishi Electric: 30 lat na rynku USA

Jako lider na rynku USA, Mitsubishi Electric jako pierwszy producent wprowadził domowe jednostki split w USA 30 lat temu, w roku 1980 - były to jednostki serii Mr. Slim®. ME był też prekursorem we wprowadzeniu systemów VRF w 2003 roku, razem z CITY MULTI®.

Firma Mitsubishi Electric także jako pierwsza wśród producentów HVAC wprowadziła programy szkoleniowe w celu kształcenia profesjonalistów z branży dotyczące splitów i technologii VRF. W sześciu ośrodkach szkoleniowych ME przeszkolono ponad 8.000 dystrybutorów HVAC, inżynierów i wykonawców tylko w 2009. W 2009 roku również spółka wprowadziła na rynek pierwszy program edukacyjny AIA/CES dla amerykańskich architektów dotyczący zagospodarowania przestrzennego z technologią VRF.

Pełna informacja prasowa w języku angielskim:

Mitsubishi Electric Cooling and Heating Solutions Celebrates 30 Years of Leadership in U.S. Market

SUWANEE, Ga., June 15, 2010 - Mitsubishi Electric Cooling and Heating Solutions (Mitsubishi Electric) is celebrating 30 years as an industry leader in split-zoning and variable refrigerant flow (VRF) cooling and heating technology in the U.S. marketplace.

"Over the past three decades, Mitsubishi Electric has led the HVAC industry in pushing the acceptance of the innovative split-zoning and VRF cooling and heating technology that is now established as a true alternative to traditional HVAC systems," says Bill Rau, Bill Rau, senior vice president and general manager, Mitsubishi Electric & Electronics USA Cooling and Heating Solutions. "Our company has been, and will continue to be, at the forefront of developing new, energy-efficient, air-conditioning technology that helps our customers save money and increase comfort."

As a leader in the U.S. market, Mitsubishi Electric was the first manufacturer to introduce residential mini-splits to the U.S. 30 years ago in 1980 with its Mr. Slim® split-zoning systems. It was also the first to introduce VRF zoning systems for commercial and residential applications in 2003 with its CITY MULTI® systems.

Other Mitsubishi Electric "firsts" include being the first ductless HVAC manufacturer to introduce training programs to educate industry professionals about split-zoning and VRF technologies. With six training centers nationwide, Mitsubishi Electric has trained more than 8,000 HVAC distributors, engineers and contractors in 2009 alone. Also in 2009, the company introduced the first AIA/CES educational program for U.S. architects on VRF zoning technology.

For years, Mitsubishi Electric has taken an active role in advocating for government policies that recognize the performance capabilities of VRF zoning systems. In 2004, Mitsubishi Electric was the first to secure a special wavier from the U.S. Department of Energy demonstrating the unique performance of VRF zoning systems versus traditional central air systems.

Additionally, Mitsubishi Electric was the first to lead the U.S. split-ductless effort with the Air Conditioning Heating and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) to recognize the different performance capabilities of the technology and pave the way for new federally recognized performance standards for the ductless category. Currently, Paul Doppel, Mitsubishi Electric director of factory liaison and government affairs, serves as chairman of the Ductless Equipment and Engineering Committee of the AHRI, among other AHRI positions.

The current lineup of Mitsubishi Electric split-zoning systems includes 24 models that are ENERGY STAR® rated and 14 systems that qualify for the federal tax credit. Mitsubishi Electric VRF zoning systems can help new or existing buildings earn essential points in the U.S. Green Building Council's LEED® D ratings system under the "Energy & Atmosphere" and "Indoor Environmental Quality" categories.

To learn more about Mitsubishi Electric Cooling and Heating Solutions, visit www.mehvac.com.


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