International Innovations for Russia’s Energy Goals: SHK MOSCOW presents Sector Highlights

The Russian government is displaying ambition and commitment to environmental protection: in 2009 President Medvedev set the global strategic goal of reducing the country’s energy consumption in 2020 by 40% compared to 2007. Greenhouse gas emissions are also to be cut and energy efficiency is to undergo substantial improvement – undertakings that can only be realised using new technologies in industry and private households. Russian plant operators and construction firms can find systems to achieve these aims at SHK MOSCOW 2010 which will once again be presenting highlights from the sector in the Russian capital from 20 to 23 April. The top theme at the fair: energy efficiency and renewable energies in line with the motto “ENERGY EFFICIENCY@SHK MOSCOW”.

International Innovations for Russia’s Energy Goals: SHK MOSCOW presents Sector Highlights

On total space of 9,200 m2 in Hall 2 of the central Krasnaja Presnja exhibition centre renowned international companies will be showcasing innovations in the field of building and energy technology and will be presenting ideas for improving energy and ecological efficiency. All new: a special show featuring 25 companies, its own catalogue and a clearly recognisable logo presents exactly those products and services that support the objectives of the Russian government and help protect the environment.

All major companies in the heating industry will be attending again, thereby consolidating the fair’s reputation as the No. 1 event in the heating sector: For instance, companies like Buderus, Viessmann, Weishaupt/Razional, Zehnder, Loos, Elco, De Dietrich Thermique, Frisquet, Kampmann, Oventrop, Entroros, Belogorye, Dorogobuzhkotlomash, Centr Gas Service, Rols Isomarket, Energo Development, Entroros, NTZ Radiator and Atrium will be taking this opportunity to pinpoint customer challenges on site and suggest individual solutions. This is the trade fair where new contacts are made, business relations are renewed and partnerships cemented.

Russia has already been an attractive and exciting region for the sector for quite some time now – and it has now become particularly lucrative because of state funding plus simplified bank lending, increased transparency thanks to labelling of ecologically sustainable products and stricter energy resource statistics. Here Russia is seeking links to other nations and also wishes to heighten environmental awareness amongst the population.

SHK MOSCOW is particularly popular with visitors thanks to its great international flair. This year, too, exhibitors from twelve nations will be present: Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy, China, Sweden, Russia, Slovenia, Turkey, Belgium, Switzerland and Hungary will be presenting their innovations in April. With “Club Italia” Italy is represented on one of the group stands.

Furthermore, a joint German company participation sponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology will present highlights “Made in Germany”. Relevant funding has also been requested for the following event in 2011 (19 to 22 April 2011) by the BDH (Federal Industrial Association of German House, Energy and Environmental Technology). In the coming years the topic of energy efficiency will be developed still further as potential demand is far from being fully exploited in this field and western know-how is as in demand as ever.

SHK MOSCOW is being organised by Messe Düsseldorf for the 14th time now together with its subsidiary Messe Düsseldorf Moscow OOO and with the support of its long-standing partner the German utility engineers’ association BDH (Federal Industrial Association of Germany House, Energy and Environmental Technology.), the ABOK (Association of Engineers for Heating, Ventilation, Air-conditioning, Heat Supply & Building Thermal Physics) and the EHI (Association of the European Heating Industry).

The organisers boast over 30 years of experience in trade fair organisation in Russia and excellent contacts in the SHK sector as well as close collaboration with the most important sectoral associations, the BDH and ABOK. This and the fact that all exhibitors are manufacturers makes SHK MOSCOW the No. 1 trade fair for efficient systems and renewable energies in the CIS.

Alongside interesting ranges in the halls, this year will once again also see an accompanying specialist symposium organised by the sectoral associations ABOK and EHI entitled “Contemporary Energy - Efficient Equipment for Building, Heating, Water Supply and Air Conditioning – Green Building Technologies”.

Last year’s symposium was attended by specialists from 52 cities in Russia and 9 other countries. The conference accompanying the trade fair is gaining increasing importance and is continually being extended by the organisers. SHK MOSCOW thereby also offers a platform for research and training and a meeting point for experts in the sector.

Information on SHK MOSCOW can be obtained on the Internet at www.shk-online.com or at Messe Düsseldorf from Katja Burbulla at BurbullaK@messe-duesseldorf.de (Tel. +49/(0)211/45 60-7707) or from Tobias Krins at KrinsT@messe-duesseldorf.de (Tel. +49/(0)211/4560-7709).


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