Grupa Ziehl-Abegg: Najlepszy kwartał w historii

We wrześniu 2010 Ziehl-Abegg Group osiągnęła najwyższą miesięczną sprzedaż w historii firmy.

Grupa Ziehl-Abegg: Najlepszy kwartał w historii

W szczególności, sprzedaż w Grupie wzrosła o 22% we wrześniu br., w porównaniu z rokiem poprzednim. Spółka dąży do osiągnięcia 310 milionów euro z całkowitej sprzedaży rocznej.

Informacja prasowa na ten temat:

Ziehl-Abegg Group moving along splendidly
Best quarter in the history of the company

The Künzelsau manufacturer of fans and electric drives is continuing to profit from the growth following the economic crisis, setting a performance record in the elapsed 3rd quarter of 2010.

According to the final figures, in September 2010 the Ziehl-Abegg Group attained the highest monthly sales in the history of the company. In detail, Group sales increased 22 % to September as compared with the preceding year. Incoming orders, at more than 30 % above the previous year, continued to remain strong. The aspiration for the total year is Sales of 310 million Euros. The manufacturer would then exceed the year with the previously highest sales, this being 2008.

Significant sales growth especially in Asia and America are mainly responsible for this record result. On just the American continent alone, sales nearly doubled. This increase, among other factors, can be attributed to a wide-ranging product line, especially the new EC fans, which are very successful in the market.

"The enormous demand for our highly efficient ECblue fans contributed to achieving the best monthly result in the 100-year history of Ziehl-Abegg" states Chairman of the Board Peter Fenkl. The new product series of axial medium-pressure and process air fans are recording extraordinary rates of increase.

In general, the growth could even be higher - it is only the delivery bottlenecks in the electronics area that are proving to be inhibitive. Nevertheless, one is confident that the growth strategy pursued up to now can be continued as the year progresses.

The development of the number of employees is especially pleasing; as of the end of September about 2800 people, including temporary workers, were employed in the Group - 300 more than at the beginning of the year.

Investments in material assets to September stand at approx. 8 m Euros; new investments in sustained sales and earnings growth are planned as the year continues.

Źródło: Ziehl-Abegg Polska Sp. z o.o.


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