GEA Refrigeration France - jedna nazwa, wiele rozwiązań

GEA upraszcza nazewnictwo swoich spółek we Francji.

GEA Refrigeration France - jedna nazwa, wiele rozwiązań

GEA Refrigeration FranceFrancuskie firmy Grypy GEA: GEA Matal, GEA Aerofreeze, GEA Geneglace i GEA Refrigeration Components (France) - będą kontynuowały swoją działalność pod nową nazwą GEA Refrigeration France.
Synteza ta jest korzystna, zarówno pod względem bardziej efektywnej organizacji oraz kompleksowej oferty w zakresie chłodnictwa. Wiosną 2011 r. podobnie połączono holenderskie firmy, tworząc GEA Refrigeration Netherlands N.V.

Informacja prasowa w języku angielskim:

GEA Refrigeration France – one name but many solutions
GEA simplifies naming of its country companies
(9/14/2011 GEA Refrigeration Technologies)
Effective July, the 1st, the French companies GEA Matal, GEA Aerofreeze, GEA Geneglace and GEA Refrigeration Components (France) will do business under a new name: GEA Refrigeration France. This synthesis offers benefits, both internal and external. Customers profit from the name amalgamation of the four companies, all located in Les Sorinières: complex refrigeration projects can be organized more simply under one common roof. This is also internally beneficial for GEA, and cross-section departments can likewise be more effectively organized. Already in spring of this year, GEA Refrigeration combined the names of a number of its Dutch companies to form GEA Refrigeration Netherlands N.V.
With these name changes, GEA Refrigeration systematically continues its strategy of simplifying structures and of clarifying the profile of the companies. This has become necessary because GEA Group has grown vigorously over the past years. The result was that several companies were often represented in one country with portfolios that featured related products – as was the case in France as well. The new structure allows for approaching and supporting the customers of a country wherever possible by national, sector-related sales organizations that represent to each circle of customers the entire refrigeration-technology competence of GEA. This arrangement simplifies organization and creates synergies in many cross-section functions. It also facilitates coordination for major projects – such as those for which GEA Matal, for example, was often responsible in the past.
In the Netherlands, the change of names took place already earlier this year. In February of 2011, former GEA companies – GEA Refrigeration Components, GEA Grasso (International), GEA Grenco, and various service companies were combined by name into GEA Refrigeration Netherlands N.V.
Despite these innovations, much remains unchanged: now as before, our customers in France and in the Netherlands can get in touch with their trusted Sales partners. And familiar names such as Geneglace, Aerofreeze, and Grasso continue to live in product designations.


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