F-gas Regulation - odrzucenie poprawek

Informujemy, że Parlament Europejski w głosowaniu w dniu 26 października br. odrzucił większość szkodliwych poprawek Komisji Ochrony Środowiska PE.

Z pewnością przyczyniły się do tego również działania podjęte przez Krajowe Forum Chłodnictwa, o których pisaliśmy na stronach Wentylacja.com.pl
(Poprawki do F-gas Regulation).
Polecamy lekturze załącznik (doc), którego treść publikujemy:
INEOS Fluor: Press Release 26.10.2005 r.
INEOS Fluor welcomes the European Parliament’s Vote on Fluorinated Gases
INEOS Fluor welcomes the results of the European Parliament Second Reading, on a Regulation on Fluorinated Gases, and sees the vote taken on Wednesday 26th as an important decision in supporting a reduction in overall greenhouse gas emissions. The Parliamentary vote also provides confidence in the value of HFCs and reinforces the view that a system based on containment can help Europe to meet its environmental commitments under Kyoto.
The priority of industry now is to continue to invest in improved HFC systems. To drive forward progress on containment and reducing emissions of all greenhouse gases through reduced leakage, improved system design, improved energy efficiency and effective recovery and recycle.
“The decision taken by the Parliament is a victory for common sense,” commented Tony Kaye INEOS Fluor’s European President. “The Parliament resolutely rejected any additional bans, which would have been completely unrealistic. The phase-out dates and use restrictions had been proposed without any serious assessment of their impact on society, economic and safety feasibility or the total environmental impact including energy efficiency. Such bans are seen to be unnecessary and unrealistic.”
“We also welcome the rejection of a number of amendments that would have changed the legal basis of the Regulation. The support of a dual legal base (Art 95 and 175) as proposed by the Council of Ministers provides a high degree of environmental protection and ensures an efficient and competitive single market. I have the refrigeration and air-conditioning industry as a whole to thank for the important part they have played in providing MEPs with vital information needed to come to these sound decisions.” he adds.
INEOS Fluor continues to be a strong supporter of a EU-wide framework that will ensure that fluorinated gases are used responsibly and are properly contained. Maintaining refrigerant choice is the best way of delivering future improvements in performance, including energy efficiency. The company now looks forward to a swift adoption of the F-Gas proposal by the Council to provide a firm basis upon which the industry can plan for the future.
For further information:

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