Danfoss stosuje standardy AHRI

Danfoss jako pierwsza przyjęła nowy system certyfikacji AHRI.

Danfoss stosuje standardy AHRI

Danfoss adopts world’s first drives standardDanfoss adopts world’s first drives standard

14 February 2012 - The new, global certification standard enables customers to better compare drives solutions for HVAC/R applications across manufacturers.

Over the years, frequency converters have become integral to energy saving in HVAC/R applications. The Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) recently announced the availability of AHRI Standard 1210 (I-P)-2011 & 1211 (SI)-2011, Performance Rating of Variable Frequency Drives, which provides specific criteria for efficiency, harmonics and motor stress in variable frequency drive (VFD) products. This industry-first standard will allow customers to compare products from major suppliers on equal terms.

Reliable information for customers
To Danfoss this is good news, as Bill Mudge, VP Sales and Marketing at Danfoss explains. “Not only does this help customers make the best, fact-based choice, it also benefits us in our sales efforts. We have been data accurate for many years and the new standard ensures a level playing field. We are confident that Danfoss’ frequency converters will continue hold on to their strong position in our markets”.

Backed by industry leaders
The standard is the result of cooperation between AHRI, an internationally recognized advocate for the HVAC/R industry, and industry VFD leaders ABB, Emerson Climate Technologies, Honeywell, Johnson Controls, McQuay International, Schneider-Electric, Trane, and Danfoss. A third party agency will perform random checks to confirm that the published performance data by each manufacturer is correct.

>>Read more at the AHRI website


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