Better city, better life

Halton shares the values of EXPO 2010: Better city, better life. Better, safer and more sustainable indoor environments are a source of wellbeing of people. Halton is a corporate partner of the Finnish Pavilion, 'the Giant's kettle'.

Better city, better life

World EXPO 2010 Shanghai China will be held from May 1 to October 31, 2010 and last 184 days. The estimated number of visitors is 70 million, including about 5.5 million foreign visitors. EXPO aims to attract some 200 countries and international organizations as exhibitors. The scale of this event will be the largest in the history of EXPOs. The venue covers over 320 hectares in the heart of the Shanghai metropolis.

The main theme is Better city, better life.

The five sub-themes are:
- Blending of diverse cultures in the city
- Economic prosperity in the city
- Innovation of science and technology in the city
- Remodeling of communities in the city
- Rural-urban interaction

The global challenge is how to build sustainable urban life that offers places for people to lead fulfilling lives in dignity, good health, happiness, and hope. And EXPO’s main mission is to offer a platform for global dialogue and to show concrete ways to achieve a happier future urban life.

'The Giant's kettle'

Halton provides indoor environment to the Finnish pavilion, 'the giant's kettle'. The pavilion is an example of how Finns are building better cities according to the principles of sustainable development. The pavilion combines creativity, high technology, and culture – a unity that makes for good human life.

Źródło: Halton Sp. z o.o.


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