7500 modułów PARASOL i 50 jednostek GOLD Swegon w banku BBVA

Swegon kontynuuje ekspansję w Europie: hiszpański bank BBVA wyposaży swoją niezwykle innowacyjną i prośrodowiskową nową siedzibę w Madrycie w energooszczędne rozwiązania Swegon dla osiągnięcia zdrowego i komfortowego klimatu wewnętrznego dla swoich pracowników.

7500 modułów PARASOL i 50 jednostek GOLD Swegon w banku BBVA

The project

The new headquarters of the Spanish bank BBVA is already iconic: The project of the world-renowned architects Herzog & de Meuron is located in the Spanish capital Madrid.

The environmental role model

The building is not only emblematic from an architectural perspective; it also reflects Zeitgeist and innovative thinking for future generations in an extraordinary way: The complex will hold LEED Gold certification (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) and is already a paradigm of an environmental friendly and sustainable high-rise building around the world. The project envisages energy savings of 30%, a 35% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, 30 to 50% lower usage of water and 70% savings in waste treatment.

The indoor climate solution

The Swedish company Swegon and its solution for the indoor climate of the BBVA complex play an important part in the environmental objective: by proposing its thermal wheels, integrated controls and advanced comfort module technology, Swegon was able to influence the project design of the building’s indoor climate system because of the environmental and economical superiority of their comprehensive solution.

Swegon is going to supply the BBVA complex with 7500 PARASOL comfort modules and 50 GOLD air handling units: Two products working in complete symbiosis, guaranteeing highest possible energy-efficiency, operating economy and reliability. Both products are Eurovent-certified which proved to be another important factor of Swegon’s success. Swegon verified the quality, functionality and predominance of the solution with full-scale tests and offered advanced service and support to BBVA during the designing phase.


“Swegon is a big international player which convinced us with their competent and trustworthy organisation here in Spain, experienced and service-minded resources at the factories in Sweden and the professional management of Western Europe”, says Luis Gutiérrez de Cabiedes, Installations, Maintenance and Sustainability Director of BBVA, and adds: “Swegon’s products are of highest quality and innovation. They met our strict demands regarding energy-efficiency and Life Cycle Costs without any difficulties.”

Centrale GOLD Swegon

The company behind the solution

By winning the BBVA project Swegon continues to astonish and impress the market and its competitors. During the financial crisis Swegon was able to win substantial market share in Europe, profiling itself as a supplier of comprehensive solutions for energy efficiency and operating economy. Just recently Swegon bought the Italian manufacturer of chillers and heat pumps, Blue Box, to also include cooling technology to its range of expertise. Swegon has 1250 employees, four factories in Sweden, Finland and Italy and was able to double, almost triple, its turnover within six years to 280Mio € today.

The Swedish company can certainly be regarded as one of the major European players in the segments of air handling and indoor climate already - but Swegon does not stop there. “We have ambitious expansion plans, secure and supportive owners and an extremely competent and engaged organisation. Our dedication to innovative product development, the international orientation and resources, the focus on certification and quality assurance and the commitment to excellent Life Cycle Costs, a sound and vivid environment and people’s health and well-being make us a natural choice for big and small projects everywhere” says Trevor Young, Manager of Swegon’s business unit Western Europe.

Projects such as Tour Elithis (Dijon, France), Swiss Re (London, UK), Gläserne Manufaktur (Dresden, Germany), Oslo Opera House (Norway) and now BBVA’s iconic headquarters prove him to be right.

Nowa siedziba BBVA w Madrycie

Źródło: Swegon Sp. z o.o.


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