

O firmie Evroprom

Evroprom – we specialize in providing top-notch used cold equipment solutions to businesses worldwide. With over 120 pieces of equipment in stock, we offer:

— Wide range of chillers, heat pumps, refrigeration units, and evaporators
— Best brands (Carrier, York, Trane, Climaveneta, BlueBox, Clivet, and more.)
— Used and outlet equipment
— Cooling capacity ranging from 2 to 1100 kW
— Comparatively low prices for high quality

We don't just sell the equipment, we stand behind our products.
We also provide:

— 7 stages of performance testing
— Maintenance, installation, and setup services
— Guarantee from 6 months for all our chillers.
— Shipment worldwide from our 10,000 m² warehouse in Poland.
— Over seven years of experience in the field
— Maturity in working with clients from more than 45 countries (Italy, Poland, Bulgaria, Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Finland, Great Britain, Greece, South Africa and others).

Over the years, we have built a reputation with our quality solutions and excellent customer service. Contact us today to learn more about offerings and how we can help you achieve goals.

Galeria Evroprom

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