Zburzenie monumentalnej K Cooling Tower (film)

Wieża chłodnicza K należąca do centrum przetwarzania materiałów jądrowych w USA zniknęła z horyzontu 24 maja br.

Zburzenie monumentalnej K Cooling Tower (film)

K Cooling Tower została wyburzona 24 maja. Budowla była częścią Savannah River Site (SRS) - centrum przetwarzania materiałów jądrowych w Południowej Karolinie w USA, zbudowane w 1950 roku. Tylko kilka sekund starczyło, by wieża K SRS służąca do chłodzenia reaktora jądrowego, stała się kupą betonowego gruzu ważącą 52-miliony funtów.

Do zburzenia wieży użyto ponad tysiąc funtów materiałów wybuchowych. Rozbiórka sfinansowana została przez ARRA (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act). Do udzielenia porad nad sposobem rozbiórki wieży zatrudniono wielu ekspertów.

Była to druga co do wielkości wieża chłodnicza na świecie. Zdjęcia nie oddają w pełni ogromnego rozmiaru K Cooling Tower - jej wysokość wynosiła 450 stóp (ok. m) i 345 stóp szerokości.

by NNSANews

On May 24, 2010, the Savannah River Sites (SRS) massive K Cooling Tower was safely demolished as part of the Site-wide Footprint Reduction Initiative funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA).

by NNSANews

Built just as the Cold War came to its end, the K Cooling Tower at Savannah River Site in South Carolina, a nuclear processing plant, was never much in demand.

by NNSANews

10-second blast to destroy K-Reactor cooling tower at SRS to cost $4 million.

by NNSANews

As the second-largest cooling tower to be demolished worldwide, the 450 foot-tall and 345 foot-wide tower posed a unique challenge to SRS project managers and commanded the attention of even the most seasoned industry veterans.

by NNSANews

The cooling tower was built to help the reactor comply with environmental standards for water released into the Savannah River.

by NNSANews

The neighboring South Carolina Highway 125 was closed for half an hour at the time of the demolition. The coordination of the demise of K Cooling Tower was done by the American Demolition and Nuclear Decommissioning Inc. However, they also worked very closely with Controlled Demolition Inc – an organization with a long history of managing large implosive flattening of manmade objects no longer wanted.

by NNSANews

The tower was built in 1992 and its function was to support nuclear production at the K Reactor at SRS. Ironically, 1991 – the year before it was built – is now widely regarded as the year the Cold War ended and so there wasn’t much use for the new reactor or tower. All the motorized equipment and control rooms were removed in 2003 and the unloved concrete structure has been standing redundant ever since.

by NNSANews

Explosives were placed in almost four thousand places over the first 250 feet of the tower. Strategic placement of the explosives took out a notch of the tower and determined how it fell. The rest of the explosives break up the structure allowing it to tumble earthward.

by NNSANews

Now that the tower has been brought to the ground, the rubble will be transported to an on-site landfill for permanent disposal.

Foto: NNSANews; Film: YouTube


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