TROX przedstawia: Smart Beam

Belka chłodząca Smart: wyjątkowe połączenie efektywności energetycznej z artystycznym wyglądem .

TROX przedstawia: Smart Beam

TROX presents Designer Beam Joint development with Hadi Teherani

Energy efficiency meets design. The SMART BEAM by Hadi Teherani of TROX shows how attractive future state-of-the-art air conditioning and ventilation technology can be.

Energy efficiency meets design – and enters into a unique combination. This is a simple, but perfect description of the new multi-service chilled beam from TROX. Together with the renowned architect and designer Hadi Teherani, TROX has developed this novel active chilled beam and presented it for the first time at Bau 2011 in Munich.

The SMART BEAM basically consists of three elements: the casing cover for the air and water connections, which are usually mounted to a wall bulkhead, the central functional part, and the face plate. These three elements can be combined in various layouts.

The type DID-SB beam, which is being added to the TROX product range, is a true all-rounder. Depending on the building requirements, sprinklers and motion detectors can be integrated into the curved panel. Two direct lights and indirect lighting from the bottom design plate provide pleasant light. If the power fails, the emergency lighting, which can also be part of the beam, switches on. As required, loudspeakers are installed into the side of the face place. These loudspeakers permit echo-free sound in conference rooms, for example. Finally, smoke detectors on the top of the DID-HT provide additional safety.

Hadi Teherani comments: „Our aim was to integrate the air conditioning element into the ceiling design, forming an aesthetic unity with the room without appearing to be an additional item. Whilst the beam is suspended from the ceiling, due to the clever aesthetic design, it does not stand out but effectively merges, almost invisibly, into the overall ceiling design. It combines all the technology that would otherwise be spread throughout the ceiling into a single unit: diffusers, lighting, sprinkler system, loudspeakers, and so on. This results in a ceiling that is cleaner and simpler and turns the air conditioning terminal unit into an aesthetic design element in the room.“
Źródło: TROX GmbH


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