TROX inwestuje 20 mln EUR w Anholt

Firma TROX GmbH rozszerzy swoją powierzchnię produkcyjną o 15.500 m2 w Angholt i stworzy 150 nowych miejsc pracy. Uroczystość wmurowania kamienia węgielnego pod nowy zakład produkcyjny TROX w Anholt odbyła się 8 grudnia 2010 roku. Wartość inwestycji to 20 mln EUR.

TROX inwestuje 20 mln EUR w Anholt

16.12.2010 r. - TROX: Laying the foundation stone. New production plant for central air handling units in Anholt

TROX invests EUR 20 million in Anholt

With the laying of the foundation stone for a new production plant in Anholt on 8 December 2010, TROX GmbH expanded its production area by 15,500 m2 with an investment volume of EUR 20 million for buildings and equipment. "This volume is the largest single investment in the company's history. A total of 150 new jobs will thus be created." With these words, Heinz Trox revealed the plans of the world market leader on the occasion of the foundation ceremony for the factory.

In future, central air handling units - the heart of modern air-conditioning systems - shall be manufactured in Anholt. "With the air handling units, we are transforming from a pure component manufacturer into a system supplier. We will then supply all components required for a central air conditioning system thus expanding our unique selling proposition for this product group," Heinz Trox says. Production will start in October 2011. As a whole, the production area in Anholt will then increase to 52,500 m2.

The development of the next few years is just as optimistic. According to Lutz Reuter, Managing Director of TROX GmbH, an investment volume of EUR 50 million is planned group-wide for 2011. The opening of new markets and high investments will thus guarantee a sustainable, double-digit annual growth on TROX's own power. The TROX GROUP is expected to complete the current business year with a turnover of EUR 350 million and 3,200 employees worldwide.

TROX - a world market leader
Manager magazin recently published a study regarding "Germany's 1,000 World Market Leaders." At number 303, TROX is not only in the top third of the leading companies in Germany, but it is also the only company from the sector suppliers of technical building equipment in the overall ranking.

The study was performed by corporate consultant Professor Bernd Venohr, who recorded the annual turnover of the companies that belong to the three dominant forces of the world market in at least one product segment.

TROX is the leader in the development, manufacture and sale of components and systems for the air conditioning and ventilation of rooms. With 25 subsidiaries across 22 countries, 13 production plants, 25 own sales offices and more than 50 importers and representatives, TROX is the world market leader for ventilation and air conditioning systems. Founded in 1951 and with a staff of 3000 employees, TROX generated sales around the globe of more than 340 million EUR in 2009.


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