SHK moscow 2011 - Final Press Report

SHK moscow 2011 confirms its status as THE Russian trade fair for manufacturers and decision makers. Messe Düsseldorf and Messe Frankfurt negotiate plans for a partnership concerning SHK in Moscow!

SHK moscow 2011 - Final Press Report

SHK MoscowAt SHK, the leading trade fair in Moscow for heating technology, energy-efficient systems, renewable energy sources, ventilation and air conditioning technology, water supply and water treatment, key decision-makers met for the 15th time from 18 - 21 April 2011 and the entire event was dominated by one overriding topic – the opportunity to revive the Russian market.

Times are tough in this industry, but the economic situation has started to improve and this sense of optimism is rubbing off. 156 exhibitors from 16 different countries were on hand to discuss developments with 9,000 high-ranking trade visitors. Engineers, plant manufacturers and operators, planners and vendors all took the opportunity presented by the fair as a platform for discussion on related topics, to make new contacts and to conclude business deals.

Countries such as Italy, Finland and China were represented with national presentations. Most of the German companies represented once again participated in the official joint corporate stand sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) and this federal stand, applied for by the Federal Industrial Association of Germany House, Energy and Environmental Technology (BDH) has already been approved for 2012, once again.

The main focus over the four days of the fair was on energy efficiency, as the Russian government aims to cut energy consumption by 40 percent – relative to 2007 – by 2020, meaning a saving of some 180 million tons of fuel and a reduction in the energy intensity of the GDP by at least 13% by that time.

About 35 exhibitors focussing on this goal presented a wide variety of innovations aimed at meeting Russia’s energy targets at the special show “Energy Efficiency@SHK moscow”.

On the same general theme, the fair was accompanied by the ABOK (Association of Engineers for Heating, Ventilation, Air-conditioning, Heat supply & building Thermal Physics) and EHI (Association of the European Heating Industry) symposium “Modern energy-efficient equipment for heat supply, water supply and air conditioning of buildings. Green building technologies”. The structure of the symposium, organised by the international organisations ABOK and EHI, which has also been an annual fixture for the past 15 years already, was even more clearly focussed on networking between exhibitors and visitors. For instance, this was the first time that the lectures and discussions, where 700 participants from 8 different countries could gain valuable insights into the latest developments in the field of building and energy technology in Russia from leading experts, were a central feature of the trade fair centre, thus bringing new products, research and academia even closer together than in the past.

Commenting on her impressions of the fair, Anastasia Yarmysh, Head of Marketing at OOO Zehnder GmbH, Moscow, said: “The range of visitors to our stand was ideal, enabling us to present our technologies to our main target groups - planners, engineers and investors this year. This year’s fair once again confirmed that SHK moscow is the leading trade fair for us as manufacturers, thus clearly standing out from other fairs in the industry that are held in Moscow. Other advantages that SHK has in comparison to other fairs that take place in Moscow are the central location, the services provided and the fact that it is held in April.”
“The exhibitors were very impressed by the quality of the visitors to the fair”, said Dr. Lothar Breidenbach, Head of Engineering at the BDH (Federal Industrial Association of Germany House, Energy and Environmental Technology). “They are very well prepared, seek information in a very deliberate manner and display a high level of decision-making power as well as clear interest in making deals. SHK moscow remains the No. 1 trade fair for efficient systems and renewable energy in Russia.”
Last but not least, we are pleased to announce a premiere! As recently announced by representatives of the two trade fair organisers as well as their Moscow subsidiaries, Messe Düsseldorf and Messe Frankfurt are planning to cooperate in Moscow from 2012 onwards. The joint project is expected to consist of the Messe Düsseldorf event SHK moscow and ISH, The world’s leading trade fair The Bathroom Experience, Building, Energy, Air-conditioning Technology, Renewable Energies, organised to date by Messe Frankfurt, and will form the leading platform for the industry on the Russian market in future.
The planned cooperation is supported by industry and interested parties. The Russian Association of Engineers for Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning, Heat Supply and Building Thermal Physics (ABOK), the Federal Industrial Association of Germany House, Energy and Environmental Technology (BDH), the German Institute of Building and Air Conditioning (FGK) and the Association of the European Heating Industry (EHI), see the new platform as a significant boost for the Russian market, especially against the backdrop of the push to cut energy consumption in Russia.
The new, merged trade fair will first take place at the Krasnaya Presnya Exhibition Centre from 16 - 19 April 2012.

Further information on SHK moscow is available online from: www.shk-online.com

Źródło: Messe Düsseldorf GmbH

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