

The REHVA European HVAC Journal

The REHVA European HVAC Journal

The official periodical of REHVA is being published since 1966, and is the widely regarded European HVAC & R magazine for the industry. Approximately 5,000 HVAC & R professionals who consist of the HVAC & R industry's most influential decision-makers – including owners, engineers, design architects, contractors and other HVAC & R professionals – read each quarterly issue. More than 100,000 REHVA members, use the e-Journal to follow it up. Rehva Journal maximizes the reach and influence of advertisers by delivering the most experienced, knowledgeable and influential readers in the HVAC & R industry.
Rehva Journal focus on common issues of Europe, especially on EU-level activities and their impact on national level. The articles provide its readership of leading HVAC & R professionals with application focused editorial coverage of the latest innovations and technologies for HVAC Systems, energy efficiency of building systems and buildings, healthy and productive indoor environment, sustainable development, renewable energy, ICT in building systems.


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