IIR Ammonia Refrigeration Conference - Ohrid 2011

International Conference Ammonia Refrigeration Technology

IIR Ammonia Refrigeration Conference - Ohrid 2011

International Institute of Refrigeration (Institut International du Froid; www.iifiir.org) wraz z Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Skopje University "Ss. Cyril & Methodius" (www.mf.edu.mk) zapraszają na na Konferencję:

Ammonia Refrigeration Technology
14-16 kwietnia 2011 r., Ohrid, Macedonia

4. Międzynarodowa Konferencja Amoniakalnych Technologii Chłodniczych odbędzie się w dniach 14-16 kwietnia 2011 r. w mieście Ohrid w Macedonii.

Tematyka konferencji: projektowanie nowoczesnych systemów zawierających amoniak, innowacje technologiczne, poprawa efektywności energetycznej, wytyczne techniczne i bezpieczeństwa.
Więcej informacji można znaleźć na stronie internetowej konferencji: www.mf.ukim.edu.mk/web_ohrid2011/ohrid-2011.html

In most cases today HFC refrigerants are largely used as a replacement for CFCs and HCFCs. However, they are high potent greenhouse gases (if released into the atmosphere) and are included in the Kyoto Protocol. Various decisions were already implemented in certain countries and negotiations have begun at international levels in order to reduce HFCs emissions. On the last UN Climate Conference (2009) the negotiations were unsuccessful; HFC gases were not mentioned in the final document. In many reports there are alarming projections of GHG emissions including HFCs.
In the refrigeration and air-conditioning industry, confusion and uncertainties related to working fluids in many applications are continuing, mostly due to ozone depletion and global warming and the regulations governing these issues. In addition, there are many groups with diverging interests: chemical companies, manufacturers of equipment, distributors, users, environmental organizations, politicians and the public.
Acceleration of HCFC phase-out through new commitments (2007) within the framework of the Montreal Protocol depends on the replacement technologies available on the market and also depends on the scientific community. Technology transfer enabling climate friendly technologies to be introduced is required, especially in developing countries.
The global trend towards using natural refrigerants is intensifying. There are very positive signals in some parts in Europe where expanding use of ammonia, carbon dioxide and hydrocarbons in various applications is occurring. We will eliminate all uncertainties in the future regarding both Protocols and environmental regulations applying to natural refrigerants.
Of all refrigerants applied today, ammonia is the oldest: it is a unique refrigerant that has been used continuously since the 19th century. The topics of the conference are: design of modern ammonia systems and technological innovation, improving e nergy efficiency, various applications, technical guidelines and safety regulations. It is very clear: by using more ammonia refrigeration, we are employing environmentally friendly technology.


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