Gentle Comfort - New displacement flow diffusers from TROX HESCO

TROX HESCO displacement flow diffusers were especially developed for the ideal introduction of air in displacement ventilation systems. Thanks to the wide range of more than 20 well-designed standard versions along with bespoke special designs, all requirements can be met. This ensures ideal design to meet the broadest range of architectural demands.

Gentle Comfort - New displacement flow diffusers from TROX HESCO

Special geometrically arranged plastic nozzles with integral air deflector scoops are installed in TROX HESCO displacement flow diffusers. Every nozzle provides a constant flow rate from the passing air flow and directs it to the face plate.

The specially perforated face plate results in a discharge airflow with a low turbulence and reduced downstream velocity. Optimum comfort conditions combined with excellent acoustics (sound power level of between 15 - 35 dB(A)) and a uniform velocity profile over the entire outlet make the new TROX HESCO displacement flow diffusers the ideal solution for meeting the highest standards in comfort.

Further information on the new displacement flow diffusers can be found in the leaflet. Please click [attach=attach1]here[/attach] to download the PDF or contact TROX HESCO Switzerland under info@troxhesco.ch for the printed version.

TROX Easy Product Finder now with displacement flow diffusers

The TROX design programme "Easy Product Finder" has been expanded and is now available. Thanks to the standard user interface, all the benefits of the programme can now also be applied to TROX HESCO displacement flow diffusers.

Along with an editable order code, the Easy Product Finder program includes technical data and individual tender specifications incl. correct product codes. Export functions in dxf format and other possible standard formats relieve the workload for users.

If you have already installed Easy Product Finder, then an online update can now be installed in the menu "Help/Search for updates".

TROX is the leader in the development, manufacturing, and sales of components and systems for room air conditioning. With 25 subsidiaries across 22 countries and 14 production plants, TROX is the European market leader for air-conditioning components and enjoys worldwide success. Founded in 1951 and with a staff of about 3000 employees, TROX generated sales around the globe of more than €380 million in 2008. With more than 25 sales offices and over 50 representatives and importers, TROX products and concepts are known all over the globe.

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